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The vein clinic vascular surgeons are specialists in providing accurate diagnosis and modern, minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins enabling you to make the best choices for your vascular care

The Vein Clinic Varicose Vein Treatment Pathway - Thread Vein Treatment

Micro-Injection Sclerotherapy: Many people have very small, blue veins varicose veins associated with their main varicose veins. These Reticular Veins may have bled, be at risk of bleeding or just be cosmetically unacceptable and disfiguring. Telangectasias are extremely small purple/red veins in the skin that are very common and much hated by all those who are afflicted.

Both these veins can be treated with Micro-Injection Sclerotherapy. We use very small needles to inject dilute sclerosant foam or liquid and destroy these veins. This may be done at the same sitting as the truncal and tributary treatments, but most people who have extensive thread veins require further outpatient treatment sessions to achieve a good satisfactory result. Indeed, the truncal and tributary treatments may occasionally cause thread veins to appear that were not there before.

If you suffer from thread veins only (no large varicose veins and no symptoms of venous insufficiency), then we can treat them with micro-injection sclerotherapy in the outpatient clinic. We usually recommend a duplex ultrasound scan first to make sure that you do not have truncal vein incompetence. If you have a lot of thread veins, it is likely that we will need 2 sessions a few months apart to get a good result.

Although almost everyone who has treatment for thread veins at the vein clinic is delighted with the appearance of their legs afterwards, it is possible that we do not get rid of all of your very small telangiectasia. It is also possible that you may be left with some brown discolouration after treatment.

This usually fades with time.

The pros and cons of treatment will be fully discussed at your Initial Outpatient Assessment.

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thread veins can be treated at the vein clinic with micro injection sclerotherapy